About Our Clinic in Louisville KY

At our clinic in Louisville KY, we know that every journey begins with the first step. We also know that getting started is often the hardest part. Our Louisville KY chiropractor, Dr. Tanner Crump, founded our wellness clinic to help you make that first step back toward good health. Whether you need assistance healing from an injury, or an effective long-term pain management solution, or weight loss, our team is here to help!
The Foundation Of Good Health in Louisville KY
We believe that good health starts from within and that by caring for the body as a whole, we can help unlock your inner ability to heal. Chiropractor Dr. Tanner Crump has helped numerous patients by caring for the underlying cause of pain and injury. An auto accident, a slip and fall, or even natural wear and tear over time can lead to a misalignment of the musculoskeletal system. When the body is out of alignment, the nervous system cannot properly communicate. These mixed signals lead to pain, injury, illness, and fatigue. Many of our patients struggle with back pain, neck pain, and migraines due to an old injury that never properly healed. The good news is that it is never too late to get healthy!
Our Louisville KY chiropractic and wellness clinic is proud to offer the latest diagnostic technology and cutting-edge adjustments. Dr. Tanner Crump continues to further his training every year to stay current on the latest advancements. We use the latest, most up-to-date techniques to provide correction methods that are more comfortable and more effective to meet our patients' wellness needs. These techniques provide long-lasting pain management by helping the body heal itself - no need for invasive surgery or prescription painkillers!
Exceptional Health Services
We offer a range of different chiropractic adjustments tailored to your individual pain management needs. These may include Gonstead, Thompson, Activator, Diversified Technique as well as motion palpation adjusting techniques. Each of these techniques allows us to precisely apply pressure to adjust different parts of the spine and body, based on the location of your misalignment. We also use digital x-ray technology to specifically pinpoint the location of your misalignment and pain. This allows us to safely create customized treatment plans for your unique injury and pain management needs.
For Dr. Tanner Crump, the commitment to whole-body wellness is a personal life passion. He focuses on an effective course of treatment that typically outlines a plan to actively pursue rehabilitation and recovery from injuries in addition to progressive care to his patients.
Dr. Tanner Crump education and experience in addition to his devotion to whole-body wellness and care allows for optimal results and health benefits for each of his patients.
Are you ready to get healthy and say goodbye to pain and chronic headaches? Let us help you take the first step back to good health - call us at (502) 454-4441 to schedule your chiropractic appointment today!
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:000pm
Saturday & Sunday
Skye Spine & Injury Center
2107 Weber Ave Ste. 101
Louisville, KY 40205